Collection of forensic evidence

Collecting forensic evidence may be central to an investigation.

After someone goes missing, it is important to provide police with (or allow the collection of) relevant forensic evidence in a timely manner.

The different types of forensic evidence that may be collected include:

DNA from the missing person or their biological relatives

Direct DNA reference sample from the missing person, in order of preference:
– newborn screening cards
– stored medical samples
– stored teeth
– personal effects such as toothbrush or hairbrush

Relative DNA reference samples from at least two biological relatives, in order of preference is:
– both parents
– children and spouse
– siblings
– distant maternal or paternal relatives

Dentist details and/or dental records for the missing person

Fingerprints from items associated with the missing person

Biographical information (incl. gender, age, ancestry, height, hair and eye colour, injuries, diseases, tattoos, piercings, date and place last seen etc.)

This forensic and biographical information should be uploaded to the relevant national databases for all long-term missing persons, including the National Criminal Investigation DNA Database and National Missing Persons and Victim System.

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Printed: 22/02/2025
Url: https://www.missingpersonsguide.com/forensic/
Content © 2013-2025 Missing Persons Advocacy Network